August 24,2024

 Do You Know Jesus

The LORD is near to the brokenhearted,

He saves those crushed in spirit.

– Psalm 34:18

He was only 14. Today his family and friends will gather in the high school gym to celebrate his life. It makes no sense. Death doesn’t always make sense.

It was a normal school day. He and the rest of the football team lifted weights inside and then headed outside. He suffered a “medical emergency” within minutes.

One day we’ll know what happened. One day we’ll understand. But right now we wonder how a seemingly healthy young athlete could simply die.

We’ve cheered him on through more basketball games than I can count. Our grandson is the same age and was on the same teams. Junior high games. Rec ball games. Travel ball games. We watched him play earlier this month.

Our only consolation is that he knew Jesus. This separation is not the final goodbye. We’ll see him again. I am thankful for his faith. I am thankful for the promises of Jesus.

So I turn to you and ask: Do you know Jesus? Have you accepted Him as Lord and Savior? It’s not about knowing the right words to say when someone asks. It’s a heart thing. Has Jesus changed your heart? Do your words and actions reflect Him?

No one expected a 14-year-old boy to die that day. But he did. Don’t assume you’ve got time. One day it’ll all be over. So I’ll ask you again: Do you know Jesus?

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