September 7, 2024

    Hatred Begets Hatred

Hatred stirs up conflict,

but love covers over all wrongs. – Proverbs 10:12

Hatred begets hatred.

Again and again Christians post ugly things on social media about candidates they don’t like. They call them names. They spread lies. And they proclaim that anyone who disagrees with them doesn't really love Jesus.

Really!? I have snoozed and blocked, reported and prayed for so many people. Please understand that I really don’t care what your political views happen to be. We are all different. That’s a good thing. But I draw the line at hate-filled commentaries spewed out in the name of Jesus.

I look around at our children. Some face bullies. Some are the ones who bully other children. I hear the name calling and the ugliness. Do you? Maybe you’re the parent or grandparent comforting a child you love. Maybe you’re the parent or grandparent making excuses for your child’s attitude and words.

Kids aren’t born with ugliness in their hearts. They learn it from adults. They learn to be mean and judgmental. They learn to tell lies and make excuses.

They can also learn to be kind, compassionate and forgiving. They can learn to respect the opinions of others, especially those they disagree with.

The next time you shout at that “stupid” driver, pay attention to your words. The next time you spread your “opinion” of the political candidate you oppose, listen to yourself. The next time you make fun of someone who is different from you, consider how you would feel in that same situation.

Kids learn from what we do and say. What are they learning from you?

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