September 19, 2024


Who Will You Follow?

But each person is tempted when he is drawn away and enticed by his own evil desire. – James 1:14

Nazi Germany was filled with Christians. In fact, 95 percent of the population were either Protestant or Catholic. They followed Hitler. They turned a blind eye to evil. They believed the propaganda. They followed evil rather than God.

Why do I bring this up? Because I see the same thing happening now in our country. Christians are following evil and trying to justify it by claiming to follow their Christian “values.” They claim they aren’t following Trump but rather what he stands for regarding policies and values.

Did the Christians who followed Hitler believe they were following Jesus? Did they justify turning a blind eye to evil because it would benefit them financially? Did they choose to walk away rather than stand up for what is right?

I can’t make excuses for lies. I especially can’t make excuses for lies that harm people who were created in God’s image. Haitians - who are here legally – shouldn’t be persecuted to advance one man’s political agenda. That’s just wrong.

I can’t refuse to listen to a man who has repeatedly said that if elected he will use our government to punish those who opposed him. He has said he will release from prison those who stormed the capitol. He has told Christians they only need to vote once more and then they’ll never have to vote again.

How can anyone not hear his words? This is not the media distorting the truth. These are things Trump has said repeatedly.

My next question is this: why? Are you afraid that your life will change if you follow the Bible and welcome foreigners? Are you watching your bank account instead of reading your Bible? Have you turned a hard heart toward the poor?

Blindly following someone who doesn’t follow Jesus will lead us down a path of evil. In many ways, it already has. There is just so much hatred in our country today. And it is being fueled by political rhetoric based on lies and fear mongering.

Are you going to be a part of that? Or are you going to follow Jesus?

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