August 29, 2024

           Change Begins with You

Surely the arm of the LORD is not too short to save,

Nor his ear too dull to hear.

But your iniquities have separated you from your God;

Your sins have hidden his face from you,

so that he will not hear.

For your hands are stained with blood,

your fingers with guilt.

Your lips have spoken falsely,

and your tongue mutters wicked things.

– Isaiah 59:1-3

We pray for our nation to turn back to Him. We pray that God will remember us and once again bless our land. We pray that He will deliver us from the evil forces that threaten our values. We expect God to save us from ourselves.

We are quick to point out the sins of others. We are certain that our sins, few that they might be, are not keeping our nation from prosperity and God’s favor. Our ways are good. Our walk is certain. Except it isn’t.

We have failed to provide for the least among us. We demand anyone in need jump through hoops we’ve created so that they may prove themselves worthy. We hold close to our money and possessions. We’ve worked hard to provide for ourselves and our families and we are certain that anyone in need must be lazy or on drugs.

We have judged what is not ours to judge. We have turned away from the needy, the poor, the abused. We have failed to care for the elderly, the widow and the orphan. We have demanded blessings for ourselves without thought or care for anyone else.

We live in a self-indulgent society with little care for anyone else. Money has become our god. It’s second only to the god of ourselves. We wonder where God is in our nation. We fail to see the stain on our own hands even as we point our fingers to those we see as godless.

What can we do to turn our nation back to the God we proclaim? Change begins with each individual. It’s not a sweeping national election or even a local food bank or church. Change begins when each person who proclaims Christ as Lord and Savior actually begins to live as Jesus lived.

Do you want our nation to change? Then do your part. Be kind. Show compassion. Give where you can without judgment or reservation. Be humble. Put others before yourself. Love your enemies. Pray fervently and never fail to listen to the Holy Spirit as He directs you.

God can heal our land. But first let’s show Him that we are willing to serve His people and not our own agendas.

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