September 1, 2023


Call Out to God


We do not know what to do, but we are looking to you for help.

– 2 Chronicles 20:12c


I love this passage of Scripture. God’s people were about to face a mighty army that they couldn’t possibly defeat. Jehoshaphat was terrified. He took his fears and his petitions before the LORD, the Mighty One who could help.


How many times do we run to God with our petitions and our fears, our needs and our wants? It’s when we have used all our resources that we plead to God Almighty for help.


How do you stand against the enemy? It could be sickness, a job loss, betrayal. It might be depression, caregiving, financial uncertainty. The enemy takes on many, many cloaks with one end in mind – to derail God’s people from our purpose.


But we are not without help. We have a God who loves us more than we can ever comprehend. He stands ready to help but we must ask for that help.


This is what God told King Jehoshaphat: Do not be afraid! Don’t be discouraged by this mighty army, for the battle is not yours, but God’s. (2 Chronicles 20:15b)


We don’t have to battle the enemy alone! God doesn’t expect us to. God knows what we need and he’s right there beside us, in the battle, strengthening us and giving us the courage and wisdom we need to accomplish His purposes.


Does that mean that God always answers us in the way we would choose? Not at all. Sometimes the answer He gives will break our hearts. But we can trust that God loves us more than we can humanly comprehend. God sees the big picture and knows how it’s all going to turn out. For our good and His Glory.


Don’t ever be afraid or panic when the enemy seems to be closing in. Call on the power and wisdom of the One who created the universe. Cling tightly to His promises and He will cling tightly to you.

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