July 14, 2023


Wealth is Uncertain


Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. – 1 Timothy 6:17


We live in a country where financial abundance is the norm. We don’t always feel that way, especially in these days of rising prices. But it’s true. The United States is a wealthy country filled with financial blessings that many in the world don’t enjoy.


In our own world, there’s a hierarchy that believes those with more wealth are “better” than those who have less. It’s a class system that has long existed and likely isn’t going away. The wealthy believe they have the right to run things. The middle class want part of that power. And the poor long to be middle class or wealthy.


James warns us not to treat people differently if they are affluent. (James 2:2-4) Yet we do it anyway. It’s expected. Certainly, the wealthy expect it.


The wealthy count on their money to always take care of them – except when it can’t. This is Paul’s warning as he writes to Timothy. Tell the wealthy not to be arrogant. Money can’t be counted on to save them. Did I hear a few of you scoff at that?


It all sounds good until bad investments or a downturn in the economy, wipes everything out. It is a wonderful concept until a family squabble liquidates an inheritance. And it seems like the best thing until money can’t buy a medical treatment that will cure cancer or other medical issues. Then all the money in the world won’t help.


Solomon had wealth and wisdom but he still sinned greatly. Why? He let others – mainly his many wives – lure him away from following God. Anything that entices us away from God is wrong and will only lead to disaster.


Money is not wrong. It’s not evil. But loving and trusting money more than God will lead to ruin. It leads to arrogance and self-serving desires. Use the gifts God has given you to do good. Know that God alone is responsible for your blessings. Trust God because only He can save you.

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